ARUWE – Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment

“Global Friends is not just a traditional donor or funder but actually holds hands together with us in making this world a better place for children. Global Friends is a mutual partner in transforming the lives of vulnerable children that has enabled ARUWE to work towards realizing our vision of creating a world in which women and children realize their full potential.” 

Agnes Mirembe, Executive Director ARUWE

ARUWE is a non-profit, non-government organization working with marginalized groups of people, especially rural women and children in Uganda. 70% of the population in Uganda is under 30 years of age. ARUWE was established in 2003 as a community-based organization and later registered as an Non-Government Organization in 2008 operating in the central and north-eastern regions of Uganda. The NGO focuses on socio-economic empowerment of women and children. The key goal of ARUWE so to partner with organisations and individuals with complementary missions and everything we do seems inter-linked with efforts of others. We work in an environment of constant change that inspires us to partner with others to achieve more.

FEA – Foundation for Empowerment and Advocacy

“Global Friends Foundation has helped to supplement the government’s efforts to provide education to needy youths. We recognize the complementary role this program has played to support us to educate needy and academically able youths.  This is in line with Tanzania’s vision 2025 blue print to transform Tanzania into a middle-income economy led by trained citizens.  Since its inception, the program has transformed lives. Deserving youths have been provided the opportunity to obtain quality education with resultant benefits including job placements. The scholarships have provide new opportunities and instilled a sense of belonging and motivation. Global Friends is helping deserving students who want to develop skills give back to society.”

Edwin and Carol Masanta – Founders of FEA, Tanzania

Rafiki Orphan Care Home and Shades of Hope

“The most important thing I can say about Global Friends is that it has it has transformed my life with positive growth. You have helped me meet a lot of people and learn more — locally and internationally — than never expected I could.

In my own community, I am happy to see many rewards to orphans, youths and women who have benefited in many ways through educational and economical growth. I have witnessed behaviour changes in young adults. Development in infrastructure that includes the construction of schools, vocational training centers, health centers and orphanages have all been incredible.  For sure Global Friends inspires everyone. I am proud to work with Global Friends and thankful to be a member of the Global Friends family member.”

Steve Appell, Global Friends Business Manager (Tanzania), Founder of Shades of Hope