BARACK | Orphan, Global Friends Scholarship Recipient
I would like to thank GFF for providing us with a bridge to cross to our own success. Children at Rafiki before Global Friends would only eat once or twice a day or even go for days without food. Attending the government schools was not good. There are too few teachers and the number of students is very high. The teachers cannot provide attention to all of these children and the quality of the tools are not adequate. These days we enjoy a good education and there is enough food. In the future, my ambition is to be a civil engineer. If it is possible, I will try my level best to help children who are orphans just like you have helped us.

FLORA | Orphan, Global Friends Scholarship Recipient
Life at Rafiki before Global Friends was so tough. We did not have enough food. Nowadays we have water, food projects, we get a good education. That is why we are happy now. One day I would like to be a professional lawyer so that I can support orphans like you have supported us. Thank you for supporting us.

ROBERT | Orphan, Global Friends Scholarship Recipient
Without GFF we didn’t have an education and we could not fulfill our dreams. Now we can be what we are destined to be.

ISAAC ASSENO | Orphan, Professional Tour Guide, Founder of Global Friends Expeditions, Global Friends Ambassador
When we were at Rafiki, it was so hard. Now we are facing forward and can forget about the hard life we lived. I didn’t know then that I could reach my dreams. Now we can do much better — we can be more. Now I have a chance to sustain my life. When I can work independently then I can share this with Rafiki and where I came from. I want to thank you guys.
Global Friends is the best organization. They go beyond the daily basic needs for food, shelter and clothes. Global Friends supports and helps vulnerable children and orphans live their lives in a better way so they can fulfill their dreams.
The light of Global Friends in our lives is so huge. We attend good schools and colleges so that we can work and become independent. We all have new skills from different places, nice classrooms for studying, a better house to stay in with comfortable beds than we were living with before. We have safe water. Also, GFF helps the community in Africa and neighborhoods by providing essential gifts like Shoes that Grows, pens, clothing and exercise books.
We love you deeply and are so proud of you. Asante Sana.

JOHNSON MBABAZI | Head Teacher, Kasubi Primary School (Mango Tree School), Uganda
Head Teacher, Mango Tree School, Uganda, GFF fund recipient zThe love that Global Friends has given the Mango Tree School in particular and Uganda in general is beyond compare and how I wish this could reach global horizons.
Pupils have had a chance to study in well-built classrooms and this has school enrollment increasing.
Parents have seen a ray of hope for their children’s education in addition to cutting costs that would incur by building classrooms that Global Friends has done.
Teachers had a chance to experience meaningful profession in better structures. the staff house has cut on rent costs and that money is being channeled to meaningful investments. Teachers now attend to pupils in time and for more hours as they stay in school. Results are expected for the better.
Long live Global Friends!

VENANCE BAITWA | Orphan, Nephew of Respicius Baitwa, Engineer, Mountain Guide, GFF Scholarship Recipient,
Global friends has benefited me by helping me accomplish things that I would never imagined could be accomplish by myself. This includes providing a scholarship for guiding school.
Global friends has been hope for many kids as it helps them reach their greatest potential through education and provide them with the necessary basic needs.
Global Friends provided me with awareness on different kinds of lives and helped me realize there is so much we could do to help those in need to make the world a better place.
I have also learned not to take things — like education and food — for granted. To some people these are myth, I have learned to always be grateful.
Most importantly, I learned that happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy. After seeing many kids at the orphan centers who are full of life and they can manage to smile despite their circumstances.
Global Friends is a light which shines when everything else has faded away.

RICHARD WABIBI | Orphan, Mama Jane’s Orphan Home
Global Friends is amazing and the best organization because it is bringing us hope to work/match moving forward through their support in different ways like: health, education, and so on. Especially at the Mama Jane’s center. We thank all of you, Catherine and your team.

ANN LeBLANC | Global Friends 2018 Uganda and Tanzania Building Team, Donor, Volunteer, Board Member
I’ve personally witnessed Global Friend’s accomplishments in Uganda and Tanzania. On a smaller scale, it has broadened my knowledge and understanding of the needs and the programs. It was pure joy learning how little it took to made a big difference – building a playground, distributing shoes, visiting school programs or seeing the goat program at work. On a larger scale, it heightened my compassion, curiosity and conviction that we must continue to honour our partners, grow the successful programs, let go of those that do not meet objectives and always be open to new opportunities. I have learned the importance of conviction, patience and fluidity.
Global Friends is an organization full of dynamic change-makers – leaders and volunteers – that honours and fulfills their mandate of supporting orphaned and vulnerable children and the people who care for them. They know how to effectively use our money, energy and skills to support these children, ensuring outcomes worthy of our further investment!

PAUL GIORNO | Penalta Group, See the Summit Participant, Mama Jane Playground Designer, GFF Ambassador
GFF benefits, and continues to benefit, me by providing perspective – a perspective on how blessed we are to live in a country like Canada with its endless well of opportunities. This is something that I began to understand once I visited Tanzania, met the locals and children. Most of these citizens were born into poverty. It takes an unbelievably determined and strong individual to persevere through such circumstances. Global Friends and their team helps guide and encourages this process, starting with the children within these communities. What they have accomplished to date is beyond what words can describe. Thousands of children now see that they do have a future within their communities and the potential for careers as educated adults. Something that we unknowingly take for granted…..
OPPORTUNITY! GFF gives orphans and other less fortunate children the opportunity to attend schools, allowing them to work towards a career as they grow-up. Along with numerous other things initiatives, GFF gives communities the opportunity to become self-sustaining, by providing the essential needs to live, such as a well, while doubling as a source of income.

CALLUM WALLACE | Engel and Volkers Real Estate Agent, See the Summit Participant, FORE! Rafiki volunteer and participant
It’s really nice working for /towards an organization where you see the dollars you donate/raised actually doing something. There are so many charities out there which I have donated to that I have no clue where that money has gone or what its done… GFF you can actually see and feel like you’re truly helping. The Instagram and FB photos I always see remind me every day of how far we and the kids have come. Global Friends is happiness!

BETH ROBERTSON | Volunteer, Board Member, Multiple GFF Events Participant, Fundraiser, Donor
GFF reminds me of how a community thousands of kilometers away can be intimately tied together simply by the act of giving something of ourselves. The size of the act doesn’t matter – the love and compassion behind it means everything.
CAROLINA MONCADA | Donor, Fundraiser, Zumba for Rafiki Participant
Global Friends is amazing and real, and needs everyone’s help to continue doing an excellent job!
LINO GIORNO | Volunteer, Donor
Global Friends is children with smiles, opportunity and dreams.
AGNES MIREMBE, ARUWE | Executive Director, ARWUE
What comes first to our minds is FRIENDS. We have been friends with Global friends for over five years now. Global Friends is not just a traditional donor or funder but actually holds hands together with us in making this world a better place for children. Global Friends is a mutual partner in transforming the lives of vulnerable children.
The projects that we have implemented with the Global Friends have been born from discussions with our communities (children, schoolteachers and local leaders) and Global Friends. Our partnership is based on trust, and respect for one another. Global Friends LISTENS to our opinions and recommendation from grassroots.
Global Friends supports ARUWE to serve and work with children and youth in and out of school by helping them develop skills so they can become employed and creating an enabling environment to keep them in school and secure a future.
Children in schools supported by Global Friends are also able to study in a better environment i.e. improved classrooms, WASH facilities, dormitories, etc. Student attitudes towards life change for the better as a result of these programs.
Global Friends has enabled ARUWE to work towards realizing our vision. “A world in which women and children realize their full potential”
Global friends is a partner who supports ARUWE’s dream of improving the lives of children and youth and works with you to bring this to reality.

CAROLE AND EDWIN MASANTA – Co-Founders of FEA (Foundation for Empowerment and Advocacy, Tanzania), GFF Partner (Tanzania)
Global Friends benefits FEA and the community

Global Friends, through the Wezesha Scholarship Program, has helped to supplement the government’s efforts to provide education to needy youths. As FEA we recognize the complementary role this program has played to support us to educate needy and academically able youths. This is in line with Tanzania’s vision 2025 blue print to transform Tanzania into a middle-income economy led by trained citizens.
Since its inception, the program has transformed lives and deserving youths have been provided with an opportunity to obtain quality education at tertiary level with resultant benefits including job placement at Kilimanjaro International Airport (K.I.A), Swizz port, Safari Rangers (Tour company). From these new opportunities, the scholarship has instilled a greater sense of belonging – and motivation.
By taking some of the financial pressure off vulnerable youths and families, GFF has enable greater success at Fea Training Centre, helping deserving students who want to develop skills and give back to society to improving their livelihood.